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Welcome to Mindful Body Osteopathy!
My practice has undergone a rebranding, I felt that something meaningful would better reflect both my approach to osteopathy and the care I provide.This New name aligns with my practice’s philosophy – a holistic approach to healing that focuses on mindfulness, care, and treating the whole body. Along with the new name, I’ve updated my logo to match this vision.
“Osteopathy is both a gentle and effective treatment for everybody, it is appealing to the nervous system. Through gentle techniques to bring balance to the body by restoring proper body mechanics, range of motion and fluid mechanics that encourages the body’s self healing capacity.” More Info on Osteopathy Click Here
PAYMENT is accepted by Debit, e-transfer, cash and cheque. Starting January 1st, 2025, I will no longer be accepting credit card payments for appointments. E-Transfers to be sent to
NEW PATIENTS -I am only taking on a limited amount of New Patients at this time. Daytime availability ONLY. All New Patients will be required to enter credit card online to hold your appointment and a $50.00 deposit. It is recommended that NEW patients book 2-3 follow-up appointments about 2 weeks after their initial assessment & treatment appointment, as you may require more than 1 visit to resolve your health concerns. Any booked appointment can easily be modified or cancelled if not needed.
CANCELLATION POLICY - 24 Hours Notice is Required For Cancellations!Late Cancellations are subject to a $35.00 FEE -NO-SHOWS are subject to a Full Appointment FEE ($70.00)(Of course sudden onset of illness, Bad Weather or other emergencies are exempt.) You may do so Online yourself up to 24 Hours before your appointment.
Thank you for your ongoing support and trust.
Megan Buchwald, M. OMSc Mindful Body Osteopathy 226-802-0833
Welcome to Mindful Body Osteoapthy!
Osteopathic Manual Therapy
Osteopathy is hands on Manual Therapy Treatment that is gentle and appealing to the body and nervous system. Osteopathy works with the principles of the body and deeply understanding anatomy and works with the body's self healing and self regulating capacities. Treatment applies to the structure and function of each individual to improve their overall structure, quality of motion, circulation of fluids, nerve impulses, brings balance to the body, and helps improve everyday activities and aches and pains.
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